Kamala 'Sarup'

People in search of a future (freedom, security and opportunity)


Published in UPI ASIA New Blog.

(Revised article) A desire for financial  freedom, financial security and opportunity is sending many of young people out of their county in search of better lives.
A friend of mine who recently moved said her life there was an improvement.

"I feel secure. My son goes to school regularly and my husband has
started to work," she said. "At least no one will come in the middle


Economic system endeavor to provide jobs


Published in Newsblaze.com, Opednews.com

A good economic system features selfish incentives for creative and hardworking people. It is a system where selfishness benefits both the producer and the consumer, since the latter is the final arbiter of what is sold, as "the consumer is king." Since a bad economic/political's economy will lack adequate incentives, its workers will not produce well.


Poverty Alleviation In Nepal


Published in worldpress.org.

Creating development means creating goods and services of greater value. So now we want to talk not about wealth creation, but about human rights and freedom.

If we study the history of development and poverty, we will find that Western farm surpluses are caused mostly by productivity improvements caused by advances in farm machinery and crop chemistry (fertilizers, pesticides, etc.).

For an example of how leaders can make all the difference in people's living conditions, there is no better example than Japan.


Economic Depression


This article was published in UPI Asia Blog, newsblaze.com, Opednews.com, scoop.co.nz. : To develop economically, we must be able to import goods and services that it cannot provide itself from other countries. To trade, one must have something worthwhile to sell to the people of other countries. Tourism is insufficient.


Philosophy, means to fully observe life


Time has not been moving forward with a certain direction. The aimless movement of time has made the future of many women worldwide to be even more uncertain and precarious. In such a crucial time of emotional crisis, I have searched for answers in God.  My assumption is that the women and men with the power of divinity can help lead the world through spirituality to God, and at the same time, can help protect the universe with His greatness and strength.

I have projected this new acceptance into my writing. This very fact may have helped in providing this opportunity.


The 4th of July and Congratulations.


The 4th of July and Congratulations.
Author: Kamala B. Sarup

On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress, the informal governing body among the 13 rebellious British colonies, approved a "Resolution of Independence" introduced on June 7 by delegate Richard Henry Lee of Virginia.


My Life, Poetry And Pain


It is our writing is nothing but the continuous process of living.  Why do we live in our literature? Prior to this, we must make able ourselves to survive in literature.' my friend told me further "We can't uplift ourselves beyond the definition of life. How difficult it is to lead a life".


Mother's Day: Abstract Love


We were engaged in abstract love what I have learnt from you.  At present I am repeating the letter of your's to me .
Mother !


Writer, Freedom And Literature: Creating Newer Things


 Literature is an endeavour


Security is important for Freedom


Published in UPI Asia blog, opednews.com, webcommentary.com,newsblaze.com
"The message of the United States is clear: one cannot have ballots and bullets in a democratic process. Intimidation and violence have no roles whatsoever in the democratic process of any country." said US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Barry Lowenkron.



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