Shobha Shukla

Anger begets hope and drives constructive action for a better tomorrow


Anger begets hope and drives constructive action for a better tomorrow

Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)


Is global development agenda rooted in local realities?


Global processes for development should be rooted in and informed by the grassroots movements. But is there a gap or disconnection? Can we do better to ensure that development discourses at all levels are plugged in affected communities on the frontlines?


In harmony or in conflict with each other?


Private public partnership and sustainable development: In harmony or in conflict with each other?

Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)


Caste inequity fuels gender injustice


It is important to recognize how gender injustices underpin the caste, class and social inequities. "I did start going to school. But as I am a Dalit (untouchable), I was made to sit away from the rest of the children. If I touched some upper caste child, even by mistake, I would be thrashed by the teachers - who were all Brahmins (upper caste). Even as a child I could feel the upper caste-Dalit divide.


Domestic violence survivor faced challenges


Domestic violence survivor faced challenges headlong and reclaimed her power back

Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)


Justice delayed is justice denied


Justice delayed is justice denied, says domestic violence survivor

Shobha Shukla, CNS (Citizen News Service)


Communicate with each other to beat the non-communicable diseases


Communicate with each other to beat the non-communicable diseases

Shobha Shukla, Citizen News Service - CNS


Food, nay tobacco, for thought


The curtain is finally down on the World No Tobacco Day 2017 and we are back to business as usual. There was a flurry of activities in my city, and elsewhere too, during the weeks preceding this day, reaching a crescendo on the 30th and 31st of May. Barring very few exceptions, the script of all the programmes/ discourses seemed to be taken from the same master copy.


Cleaning up the air we breathe


 My first personal brush with the severity of asthma was several years ago, when one of my students suddenly started gasping for breath in the middle of her Physics Practical final examination of Class 12. We were clueless about the cause of her sudden affliction. Other than making her sit in the open air and force her to drink water, we did not know what to do.



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