Re-Learning to Reject War

'Let difficulties know that you are too difficult to be broken'




Against Trump’s Student Immigration Policies


During my university years, I once heard someone say that the United States is the land of the melting pot. I always pondered the strange terms referenced and wanted to know the contents that were melting.

When I first arrived in the US, the phrase revealed and unfolded itself like an origami that is both expected and surprising simultaneously. The journey from the airport to the place I stayed in, I saw people from various countries: race, culture, ethnicity, and color. The sudden awareness of the true meaning made me feel special as I was now a part of the pot too.


Everything Will Fundamentally Change


Everything Will Fundamentally Change


Glory: The Deadliest Drug

Marriage is no child’s play



Marriage is no child’s play


Normalization Alone Is Not A Path For Israeli-Palestinian Peace


The normalization of relations between Israel and Sudan is another step forward toward the establishment of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace. This development, following the normalization of relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain, is extremely important, as any peaceful solution between adversaries that reduces the chances of violent conflict and promotes peace should be embraced.



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